Kaka Julius

Kaka JuliusKaka Julius holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) Education Degree in History from Gulu University, Gulu- Uganda.  Julius has contributed to knowledge in some of the articles that include; The Political History of Uganda as a Causative factor of the Northern War: The psycho- political ramifications of the Northern war- Acholi Perspective and Conflict and HIV/ AIDS- Vulnerabilities In Gulu and Amuru Districts in Northern Uganda.

For the last 6 years Julius has been teaching in Gulu University in the Department of History teaching courses in; World Revolutions; West African History; Socio-political History of Uganda. He has also been working with the Northern Uganda Cohort “Determining the HIV related vulnerability study in Northern Uganda” in different capacities as Research Officer and recently Community Advisory Board Coordinator  advising the NUPHS study on socio political, cultural sensitivities and promoting good partnership with the community and other important stakeholders in the study.

Research Interests

  • Public health and security
  • Regional development focus on East African Community
  • Governance, security and justice
  • Youth leadership and peace building
  • Leadership and society

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