Nomathamsanqa Masiko

Nomathamsanqa MasikoNomathamsanqa Masiko holds a Bachelor of Social Science (BSocSc) degree with majors in Political Science and Public Policy Administration from the University of Cape Town. She also holds a Master of Arts (MA) degree in International Relations with a specialisation in Global Political Economy and Conflict Dynamics from Stellenbosch University. During Nomathamsanqa’s Master’s degree programme, she received a scholarship from Norway to study in Oslo and follow courses at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and Bjørknes College. Nomathamsanqa spent one semester in Oslo, pursuing courses specially developed by research staff at PRIO on conflict dynamics, combined with a more focused study of selected areas and themes. The subsequent three semesters were spent at Stellenbosch University. Thereafter, Nomathamsanqa worked as a research intern in the Conflict Management and Peacebuilding division at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Pretoria. At the ISS she specifically worked in the areas of post-conflict development and peacebuilding in Burundi, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as gender, peace and security in Africa.

Research Interests

  • Gender and Security Sector Reform in Africa
  • Post-conflict development and peacebuilding in Africa
  • Democratic Governance
  • International Relations and Diplomacy

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