Robert Turyamureeba

Robert Turyamureeba is currently pursuing an MA in International Peace and Security at King’s College London (as part of the African Leadership Centre fellowship program). He holds an MSc in Peace and Development Studies from Linnaeus University, Sweden. He also holds a BA in Development Studies from Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda. He has worked with Southern University Juba, South Sudan as an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Development Studies. He also worked with Right To Play/UNHCR as a 'Volunteer Coach', Mbarara branch, Uganda.

Research interests:

  • Ethnicity, Conflict and Nationalism 
  • Small and Light Weapons Proliferation 
  • State Violence and Terrorism, Natural Resources (Oil) and Conflict

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Phone :+254 714 874 578

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School of Global Affairs
King's College London, Strand Campus
Bush House (North East Wing), Room 2.16
30 Aldwych London, WC2B 4BG
Phone: +44 (0) 207 848 1984/8645

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