Sheila Kinya Gitonga

Ms Sheila Kinya Gitonga holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Language & Communication from the University of Nairobi, and has undertaken a Masters degree in International Relations with a focus on Strategic and Security Studies from the same institution.
While undertaking her BA studies, Sheila was among a group of young women who collaborated with Footprints Press to write portraits of selected women of substance and achievement in Kenya for the ground-breaking coffee table book “LIFE JOURNEYS – Seeking Destiny: Conversations with High Achieving Women in Kenya”. Since then, Sheila has worked in different capacities with Kenya's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) and the Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies (CHRIPS) – an independent think tank based in Nairobi.

Research Interests

  • Geopolitical discourse
  • African Militaries
  • Maritime Security

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