Fellows visit Cambridge University

The ALC Current Fellows visited the University of Cambridge to explore available opportunities such as PhD opportunities and also learn about the partnerships that exist between Cambridge academics and African Universities for future partnerships. They had sessions with Dr.Sharath Srinivasan, the Director of the Centre for Governance and Human Rights, Lecturer in Politics of Africa course.

The session was about opportunities in Politics and International Studies Department(POLIS) such as scholarship opportunities for African students and Ms Emma Cantu, the Graduate Secretary who provided an overview of the admission process. The fellows also attended a seminar by the Africa Research Forum by Juliet Gilbert from University of Birmingham on Calabar's Pentecostal Movement, in Nigeria.

They also interacted with some faculty members and African Studies MPhil students. They were hosted by the ALC alumni Njoki Wamae who is studying her PhD at the same institution.  They enjoyed sightseeing to see the old colleges loaded with history of scholarship for hundreds of years and punting on the River Cam.

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