King’s is well placed to facilitate the Centre and to take a lead in the implementation of its activities. King’s has a strong Africa programme with a comprehensive leadership training component. King’s unique strength and contribution to this project lies in the breadth and scope of King’s Schools of study. The teaching and research undertaken within the various Schools cuts across all components of the Centre’s Programme. Accordingly, a process of knowledge transfer will be applied to the development of the Centre’s programme using King’s existing expertise. This will be done through visiting lecturers, secondment, research opportunities, mentoring and access to learning – all in ways that enhance experience sharing and strengthen the capacity of the host and partner institutions.
King’s has a unique opportunity to maximize the impact of its current programmes and to instigate real and tangible change on the ground by developing and piloting an African Leadership Centre based on the guiding principles of this successful programme.
For more information please follow this link.