Dominant theories and notions of statehood

This research group critically interrogates extant and dominant theories on statehood (across the ideological spectrum) and their utility for the African context across time. It explores the key questions of what notions and models of statehood exist in Africa? Who is the state, who identifies with the state, with whom does the state identify, whom are state policies and ‘development’ meant to benefit? And what are the implications of these models for peace, security and socio-economic outcomes?

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Nairobi Office:
Jacaranda Avenue, P.O. BOX 25742, 00603, Nairobi
Phone :+254 714 874 578

London Office:
School of Global Affairs
King's College London, Strand Campus
Bush House (North East Wing), Room 2.16
30 Aldwych London, WC2B 4BG
Phone: +44 (0) 207 848 1984/8645

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